Purple Week
We're excited to host our 8th Purple Community Event to raise money and awareness for cancer and Parkinson's disease research at Van Andel Institute. Purple Week 2024 will be September 30 - October 5. Our sports teams will be "going purple" during this week to join in the fundraiser and honor loved ones impacted by these illnesses and we'll wrap up the week with the return of the 5K purple color run.
Meet the 2024 Honorees
Two Otsego students and their families impacted by a devastating cancer diagnosis will be honored and celebrated at the October 4th ceremony prior to the Purple football game.
A cancer diagnosis was unexpected among other health problems for this teenager, but treatment is providing great hope.
What impact does Purple Week have? Otsego 7th grader, Remy Coburn, is undergoing brain cancer treatment; her family sees first-hand how important research advances can be to a devastating diagnosis.
The Purple Game carnival is always a hit and a fun way to support the cause and kick off the big purple football game - the main event for purple week that features a special ceremony prior to the game. The carnival takes place in the field behind the press box at Bulldog Stadium. Your child will enjoy a ton of different carnival games and prizes and you’ll be able to visit with some of our sponsors who are joining us in adding games to the event.
The carnival runs from 5-6:30pm. This is a separate entrance from the football game, it takes place outside the stadium. (Tickets to the football game must be purchased separately.)
One of the most impactful ways to join the cause is with your monetary donation. With Van Andel Institute’s Purple Community, every dollar raised goes directly to research and their scientists. VAI calls it 100% Hope. The 2024 Purple Committee has a goal of raising a total of $30,000 which would be the most ever raised in one event for Otsego. To date, we have raised $146,000 total in the previous seven events that began in 2010.
Purple 5K Run / Walk
The 5K is back for this year’s Purple Week! Get showered with purple as you run or walk along this creative course that begins at our cross country course then winds around the schools on our main OPS campus on Washington Street. This is a timed event but also a fun event for those wanting to take in the spirit of Purple Week! We will have fun stations and displays to enjoy along the course. Your participation supports raising funds for medical research for cancer and Parkinson’s disease at Van Andel Institute. This fun 5K is a perfect way to wrap up an amazing week to help others!
When: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: Packet pick-up begins at 7:30am, Opening remarks at 8:45am, Run/Walk begins at 9am.
Where: Packet pick-up will take place in the front of Otsego High School.
Cost: $30 (includes shirt if registered by September 27, 4pm)
Purple Week Events
Mark your calendars to show up and support your bulldogs as they participate in special purple community athletic events. Each team will wear special purple jerseys or accessories to immerse themselves in the cause. This is often a personal event for our athletes who might have a family member who has been impacted by cancer or Parkinson’s. They can honor their loved ones by putting their name on the backs of their jerseys. You’ll often see “Mom” or “Grandma” or “Uncle Jim”, for example. It puts a name and a personal story with the fundraising efforts. At the core, this is about helping those battling these illnesses today and in the future.
September 11th - Golf jamboree at Shamrock Hills, 4pm
September 25th - Tennis vs. Three Rivers, 4pm
September 28th - Cross Country @ Bulldog Invite, 8am
September 30th - Pizza Hut Dine to Donate Night, 4-7pm - Enjoy pizza for dinner and part of the proceeds will be donated to Otsego’s Purple Week!
October 1st - Swim & Dive meet vs. Plainwell, 6pm
October 2nd - Soccer vs. Three Rivers, 6pm
October 3rd - Volleyball vs. Sturgis, 6pm
October 4th - Football vs. Sturgis, 7pm
October 5th - Purple 5K Run/Walk, 9am
Purple Apparel
There’s nothing like seeing a sea of purple at a school that bleeds blue & gold. Donning our purple apparel shows the power and support of our community for this incredible cause. This year’s theme is “One Community, One Cause”. One thing that unites us is our connection to those who are battling cancer or Parkinson’s Disease. It’s likely each of us knows someone struggling with one of those illnesses and your purchase supports the medical research going into finding new information and potential treatments. The selection has grown to cover you from head to toe! Youth sizes available in short sleeve t-shirts and crewneck sweatshirts.
T-shirts (short and long sleeve)
Sweatshirts (crewneck and hoodies)
Sweat pants
Plaid PJ pants
Insulated coffee mugs that can be personalized to share who you are honoring in this cause
The online ordering deadline is September 23rd. Merchandise will be delivered to your child at their school to bring home or can be picked up when ready at Central Office.
Jersey Sponsorships
Our athletes will once again be wearing special purple jerseys with the name of a loved one to honor on the back. Athletes get the opportunity first to purchase their own jersey. Any jerseys not sponsored by the athlete are available for community members. If you would like to sponsor a jersey, the athlete will wear the jersey with the name of your choice on the back during their contest, but then the jersey will be cleaned and given to the sponsor to keep. (Jersey sizes will match the athlete, that cannot be personalized.) If you are interested and would like to get on the waiting list for jersey sponsorships, please fill out the form below. (Please note: this is not the link for fall varsity athletes)
Options and prices are:
Football jersey: $100
Soccer jersey: $50
Volleyball jersey: $50
Tennis: $50
Golf: $50
Cheer jersey: $50
Light Post Banners
Honor a loved one impacted by cancer or Parkinson’s Disease with this special display. Light post banners hang in downtown Otsego during Purple Week and for several weeks after. Each one is double-sided with your loved one’s photo and the illness they are battling or have battled. This can be a survivor, someone currently battling the illness or to honor those who have passed. Each banner is $150.