Flyer Distribution
Otsego Public Schools cooperates with community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students and staff by distributing materials electronically via Peachjar. As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer delivery.
To request flyer approval, follow the steps below. Once approved, E-flyers will be emailed directly to parents’ inboxes, viewable on our app and posted online for easy access to information about approved community and district programs, events and educational opportunities. Paper flyers from outside organizations will not be distributed.
- Visit
- Register as an Enrichment Provider (account type).
- Upload your flyer for approval.
Your flyer will be automatically submitted to the district office. District staff will review the material and approve or deny based on the standards below. Peachjar charges a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver full-color paper flyers to each school.
Flyer Approval Guidelines
- Activity must benefit children and reference a specific activity; advertisements and flyers of general information will not be allowed.
- Flier must contain the name and contact of the sponsoring entity.
- The flyer must be educational in nature, (i.e. academics, enrichment, health) and benefit the population of the district in a positive manner.
- Activity in flier must be age appropriate.
- Materials for distribution must not promote any commercial, religious or political interest/organization or viewpoint.
- Flyers cannot contain overtly religious language (e.g. Bible verses, proselytizing, call to religious observance, etc.) that would create a government entanglement with religion.
- Flyer must be approved by the Administration or Communications office.
- Flyers should be submitted 2 weeks prior to event date
- Approved copies of flyers can be made available in hard copy in school offices by parent request.
- If the function on the flyer is taking place at a school or district facility (i.e. school gym, cafeteria, classroom, etc.), prior approval must be obtained from the Facilities Department. Facility use requests for Otsego Public Schools’ facilities can be made at
- Activity may not be in conflict with the district’s exclusivity contracts, USDA regulations, state and federal regulations, or other Otsego Board policies and regulations.
- Approval of your flyer does not imply district endorsement of any identified product or service.
As a convenience to parents and students, the District makes available notices of activities that may be of interest to students and parents. However, the District does not endorse, screen, support, favor, oppose or object to the content of any of these activities or of the community groups that sponsor them. It is entirely up to parents/guardians and students 18 or older to determine whether to participate in any of the activities listed on this site.
If you have any questions regarding our electronic flyer distribution system, please contact Holly McCaw, Director of Communications, at 269-694-7910 or