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Enroll at OPS

Welcome to Otsego Public Schools!

Kindergarten Registration for 2025-26 Opens February 1st! 

It's almost time to get our little bulldogs registered for Kindergarten! The online application opens February 1st. Students who currently attend Learn 'n Grow Early Childhood Education Center will be screened during their preschool day. Those outside of LNG will sign up for a time on April 23, 2025 between 8-9:15am or 4:15-5:30pm at our elementary schools. 

See the list below for items you'll need to complete your registration. If you have any questions, reach out to Renee Vaughn at or 269-694-7900.

kindergarten registration link

Enrollment for 2024-25 School Year

Enrolling at OPS is easy! For registering students in the current school year, click on the online registration link or stop in at our Administration Office for the enrollment forms! 

Be sure to have the following ready: 

  • Photo ID (of parent/guardian)
  • Proof of Residency
  • Child's Immunization Records
  • Child's Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Vision Screening (kindergarten only)
  • Proof of Hearing Screening (kindergarten only)

  • Proof of Dental Assessment (kindergarten only)


Schools of Choice

Schools of Choice Section 105 of the State School Aid Act allows a local school district to enroll pupils from outside its district but within the intermediate district without obtaining a release from the resident district. Section 105c of the State School Aid Act allows a local school district to enroll pupils from outside its district and outside its ISD but within an ISD that is contiguous to the educating district's ISD without obtaining a release from the resident district.

Do you live outside of the Otsego Public Schools District? Fill out the Schools of Choice form below that applies to your current address (within Allegan County, or 105c for those outside Allegan County.) These forms are also available when you enroll.  Applications can be completed for all grades K-12 with unlimited openings.

For those residing outside Allegan County (105c applicants), applications must be turned into the district by the end of the first week of the first and second trimesters of the school year. (Please see the calendar above for specific dates.)

The Schools of Choice window for the 2024-25 School Year opens July 1, 2024 

2024-25 School Year

Otsego Virtual Academy

Otsego Virtual Academy provides full-time or part-time virtual instruction for students in grades K-12. If you would like to join OVA for the 2023-24 school year, contact OVA Director, Amanda Nast at or call 269-694-7982. Check out the OVA Website here: 

Otsego Virtual Academy Website


Renee Vaughn

Renee Vaughn

Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, District Registrar
Central Office