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Board of Education

Board of Education Members

Amy Stender

Amy Stender

Titles: Board President
Shelly Jirgens

Shelly Jirgens

Titles: Board Vice President
Mike Keeler

Mike Keeler

Titles: Board Secretary
Todd Bentley

Todd Bentley

Titles: Board Treasurer
Shannon Goodwin

Shannon Goodwin

Titles: Board Trustee
Michael Dafoe

Michael Dafoe

Titles: Board Trustee
Jason Davis

Jason Davis

Titles: Board Trustee

Public Comment at Board of Education Meetings

The Board of Education welcomes members of the public to speak at its public board meetings and hearings regarding the meeting agenda items and on education in general. Please complete a public comment request form  15 minutes prior to the scheduled Board meeting. Hard copy forms are available in the Administration Office at 400 Sherwood Street, Otsego, Michigan, and may be obtained prior to the Board meeting from the Board of Education Secretary. Each registered speaker will have three (3) minutes to make their presentation.

You must speak on the topic for which you have been registered. The Board will not engage in a discussion on the comments at that time, but will follow up if needed.

Your adherence to these guidelines will enable the public comment process to move smoothly.

Thank you!

Board Policies

Otsego's Board of Education and the Otsego Public Schools district hold its policies with Clark Hill, PLC and were adopted on February 7, 2022. If you have any questions, call the Superintendent's office at 269-694-7902.

Board Policies

Animals on School Property Police

Flag Policy

Administrative Guidelines

Operating Procedures

Board Meetings

All Board of Education meetings are held at 7:00pm in the Board Room in the Administration Office, 400 Sherwood St., Otsego, MI 49078, unless otherwise posted. 

Board of Education Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Meetings of the Personnel, Finance & Operations Committee, Curriculum & Technology Committee and the Policy and Student Handbook Committee are held at the workshop meetings in the Board Room located at the Otsego Public Schools Administration Office, 400 Sherwood Street, Otsego, Michigan, unless a change is posted prior to a meeting.

Board Calendar